On Air

DJ: Frank Russell

Song request

Do you have a song request of a local or visiting artist?

Click the Email button below and submit your request.

We just might have it and if we don't, we'll go get it!

Flag for removal

If you feel there should be a flag or removal of a track or artist from the radio station, click the Email button 

below and submit your concern. You can do the same if you are concerned about a certain venue, record 

store, radio station or partner website. Your feedback is important and it will always be treated anonymously!


Ort Internet Radio

Athens, GA 30603

DJ: Frank


Frank is the founder of the Athens Georgia Live website and the wORT - Ort Internet Radio station and one of its DJ's.

He is an Ort Baton Carrier.

He is also one of the photographers and videographers with Athens Georgia Live Music for Flagpole Magazine, Joker Joker TV and YouTube.

DJ: Franklin Russell

Franklin is a singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.

He is the original Ort Baton Carrier.

He has worked in the studio, on stage and in music videos with some of the most influential artists in the Athens music scene.

He is also in charge of Social Media Marketing for Athens Georgia Live and wORT.

DJ: Your Name

Are you a WUOG Alumni?

Are you an artist who would like to promote your new record or performance with a broadcast show?

Do you have a desire to broadcast and you would like to host a show?

You could do it on Athens Georgia Live's wORT - Ort Internet Radio. Click the Email button below and share a bit about yourself and what you would like to broadcast.

Athens georgia Live